An ode to women’s bodies. This is the main theme of N, a hybrid of book and magazine. The project conceived by the photographer Henrique Schiefferdecker, with Edu Hirama as creative director and curator, is available in both printed and digital formats.

With a presentation by the publisher Helio Hara, this publication features 12 photographers - and 12 different covers -, who were invited to shoot photo essays, with their subjective perspectives on the topic: Bob Wolfenson, Alex Batista, André Passos, Cecilia Duarte, Cristiano Madureira, Daniel Klajmic, Gil Inoue, Marcio Simnch, Tiago Molinos, Gustavo Zylbersztajn, Henrique Schiefferdecker and Paulo Vainer. This new project intends to occupy a yet little explored niche in Brazil and presents infinite artistic possibilities within a scope that expands before the raw nudity of the female.

“I perceive these images like an ethereal sensorial trip through the female body”

— Cecília Duarte

The result is precisely this aesthetic and artistic diversity, one careful and elegant. “I perceive these images like an ethereal sensorial trip through the female body”, explains Cecilia Duarte describing her photographs. “Touch, skin, taste, cold, warmth… I wanted to explore the sensorial world and the relationship between nudity and vulnerability.”

For Alex Batista, the universe of an artist and his muse was the ultimate inspiration for inviting the model Jessica Pauletto to his photo essay. “I came across a book called ‘Portrait’ by one of my favorite photographers, Takashi Homma. He has been photographing a model and actress for years, and I wanted to pay a similar tribute to a muse of mine as well.”